Monday, January 26, 2009

Saper Veder ... if you read the blog long enough, the comparison will be obvious.

It's saper veder, two words in Latin. It was a phrase oft said about Leonardo Da Vinci, who was probably the most gifted person to walk the planet outside of you know who. It translates into the "art of seeing", and describes Leo to a T. To be so brillant in so many different endeavors takes a unique vision. Besides, it's said he could see so well he could count the number of flaps a humingbird made while hovering.

I'll let the public make the comparisons to my rants and ravings ... but I think its obvious, don't you?


  1. I'm not sure I totally understand, but sound good!

  2. Just a joy to read. A joy to read.

  3. My first thought was "Are you high?" Seems a little too poetic... for you. But then again, we haven't ever seen this side of you, so I look forward!
