Monday, November 29, 2010

Why we don't order pizza for delivery

Cuz the conversation goes like this ....

"Daniel, what do you want on your extra large pizza? Umm, one meat lovers."

"Craig, what do you want on your extra large pizza? Umm, one with double pepperoni and breakfast bacon."

"Nathan, what do you want on your large pizza? Umm, one with double pepperoni."

"Mom, what do you, Ashton, and I want on our small pizza?"

No one should have 3 boys so close in age all eating so much. Our food budget has spiked in the last few months and is only rising. "I'm still hungry!" is now the most commonly spoken phrase in our household, overtaking "GO TO BED!!" (but not by much). We have to make 10 hamburgers for a single meal. A 9x13 pan of chicken enchilada is no longer two meals, but better have a large can of re fried beans and two large bags of tortilla chips as well as a desert to back it up!!!!!

Maybe Pres. Obama will save us ... there is always hope.


  1. Wow, I don't remember you or James eating that much - just drinking a lot of milk. Maybe we were blessed and didn't realize it.

  2. I can see it. Brandon can already eat more than me. better get a second job.

  3. Our family just graduated from 1 medium. For awhile I was able to stretch it with salad and a veggie, but that day has now passed. The nice part about getting two now is we can get cheese for the kids, because that is what they ask for anyway, and something good for Brett and I.
